For Christmas, I bought Brett some of the ones that have a shield-type hook that go all the way around the ear. He uses them for working out. I tried them on, and even THOSE don't fit me. I'm tempted to go back to the old-school foam ones with the headband. They are pretty dorky, though, so I may try to tough it out.
So at Wal-mart today, I bought some new ones for $3.96 at the "impulse aisle" near checkout. And let me tell you, they seem to be perfect!! They have some kind of rubber stuff around the edge that helps them cling to my ears. I love it. Now if only they had the much-needed 'L' and 'R' so I won't get them mixed up. You can't have everything, I guess....
I also bought a $10 iPod dock. It's nothing fancy, but it should get the job done. It will work for the time being. I am excited about my new purchases. Now if only my clearanced $5 Vera Bradley case would arrive.... I will be stylin'
These are similar to the ones I bought. Only mine weren't bedazzle-y. If only I had seen THESE! I would seriously be styling... I think the green are my fav.

RETRACTION: These ear buds suck! I actually tried them out and they stayed in just fine, but the sound kept cutting out!! So much for a good deal... I guess $3.96 WON'T buy you a good set of buds. Too bad...