Snopes.com is my favorite website for killing time. It is an "urban legend" website. The author researches rumors and myths and tries to give a straight answer about the origins. It sounds crazy and tabloid-ish, I know, but it is very entertaining! Well anyway, they have a section titled "Daily Snopes", which has crazy newspaper articles from around the world.
Today, while sifting through the articles, I found a story about a purple squirrel found by a school. Here is the link. Its nuts! A purple squirrel! How crazy is that??
It reminds me of the wacky squirrels at SIU. First of all, they are massive. These are some of the largest squirrels you will ever see in your life. Second, they are fearless. They will just walk right on up to you and not think a thing of it. Normal squirrels are skittish. Normal squirrels try to avoid humans. Normal squirrels don't throw nuts at you! Yep...I've been bombarded by an SIU squirrel. Crazy... I'm telling you, those squirrels are hyped up on cigarettes and Starbucks. I'm pretty sure people feed them leftover chicken McNuggets, too.
Apparently today's squirrels are addicted to caffeine and nicotine and, oh yeah, they're purple! What is the world coming to? Seems to me that it may be time to start take better care of our Earth.
Remember, people: Don't litter, and don't feed the squirrels!
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