I have TONS of free merchandise coming in the mail, and I am very excited about it. It's just a bunch of random teaching material, but I'm still psyched. Among the things I have on the way are:
-A Tiger Woods Character Building Kit (...already got it, and it is super)
-Abraham Lincoln posters, lesson plans, bookmarks, and a resource CD (Yes VAL, ABE Lincoln!)
-A lesson unit on railroads
-Mars vs. Earth comparison poster
-Comic books about currency, banking, foreign trade, and investing (How exciting is that?!)
-Sacajawea bookmarks
-....and tons of other things that I don't even remember!
An unrelated anecdote:
I found a recipe for banana cake in Tyler's new cookbook and wanted to try it out. So I had my mother pick up some bananas at Kroger's like a week ago had to wait until they got all of those brown spots on them. Yesterday they were finally ready, so I made the cake. And let me just say, banana cake is NOT good. It is so thick and chewy...it was not good. I couldn't even finish the whole piece. Take my word for it, banana cake is not a good thing. (Andrew liked it...but he's the only one.)
I am usually pretty good at making cakes, though! I made an Italian Wedding cake for my mom's birthday earlier this month and everyone said it was delicious. I don't like nuts, pineapple, or coconut, though, so I didn't try it. But I think it was pretty! I'll post the picture.
I've been getting my W-2's in the mail. (Finally!) Luckily, all of MINE were addressed correctly. This is more than I can say for a poor teenager in Australia. Check out this sad story... How awful is that?! :(
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